Following on from my tweet about Allen Klein being the worst person in the music industry, here is a thread surrounding why I think this.

Allen Klein is the only person in Beatles history that I can't like. Here's a thread about how Klein caused problems within the Beatles:
Brian was always like a father-figure to the band. He truly cared about them and tried his best to cushion them from the negative side of the media. He had a working relationship with reporters to ensure there were 'no-go' stories to protect them.

Klein did not care for this.
So, following Brian's (heartbreaking and) untimely death in 1967, The Beatles' finances became messy. Brian was trusted to deal with a lot. And his death took a major toll.

Brian's brother, Clive, helped to look after The Beatles' business while also looking after NEMS in '67.
Paul McCartney was sure that the band could continue to head their own artistic career. Sgt. Pepper saw the rise of Paul as the "new leader" of the band.

He became the Brian that they needed as the other three members struggled to come to terms with the loss of their friend.
By 1969, it was shown in the media that the Beatles were having finance issues. John seeked out the assistance of Rolling Stones manager, Allen Klein and met with him in January. He then appointed him his 'personal adviser'.

But Paul didn't trust him, which I think says a lot.
When John met Klein in 1969, Allen hit at the points that Lennon was vulnerable about. He told him that Paul was not the Beatles' leader.

He also told him that he would fund Yoko's art exhibitions. He talked about his childhood, using Julia's death to find a level with John.
Allen Klein exploited John's love for Yoko and promised him things he never meant to keep. He exploited John's vulnerabilities and used his tragedies for his own gain.

I feel sick thinking about it. John deserved better than that. He was manipulated by the worst kind of person.
Paul wanted Linda's father, Lee Eastman, to help them fix their finances as a business attorney.

But John, George and Ringo thought that he would allow Paul to be the leader, favouring his views over their's. John wanted Allen Klein to sort their business affairs out instead.
Mick Jagger had warned Paul personally about Allen Klein.

But when Paul asked him to tell the others, Mick bottled it and remained loyal to Klein, which just made the other three Beatles lose even more trust in Paul. I don't blame Mick for this however. Klein was a manipulator.
Allen Klein is the reason why the Rolling Stones never had the licencing rights to their own music before 1971.

Klein exploited their work and he used them for his monetary gain. The Stones saw sense and managed to get rid but they paid a heavy price for it.
Because George was already sick of Paul's leadership, he was adamant that Allen Klein was the right man for the job. Ringo agreed. And John didn't want Paul to have more control than he already did.

So, outnumbered by his three bandmates, Paul 'agreed' to sign Allen Klein.
Paul, to keep face, posed with Allen Klein and his three bandmates in photos for the media. But he never signed any contracts that would tie himself to Klein officially.

Look at him keeping face. He was so strong. He deserved so much better.
When Klein began working with The Beatles, he fired some of Apple's staff and replaced them with his own.

He even tried to replace Neil Aspinall, the Beatles' road manager and close friend. But the boys fought against it and Aspinall kept his role within their history.
In September 1969, John told Klein that he wanted to leave The Beatles. But Klein pushed on and told him it was the wrong time.

So John stayed. Because he didn't have much choice. And this added to the hostility amongst the band. They were all extremely unhappy and stressed.
By the end of 1969, following the album release of Abbey Road, Klein pushed for a release of an album entitled 'Get Back', which later became 'Let It Be'. And he also pushed for the release of the documentary that portrayed their issues as a band.

Paul didn't consent to this.
And don't even get me started on the album 'Let It Be', which was released without Paul McCartney's consent. He had wanted the band to be in control of their own music. But Klein disagreed.

So, stream 'Let It Be ... Naked' to hear what the album SHOULD have sounded like.
Paul McCartney gave Allen an ultimatim and told him never to touch one of his songs again. Paul is an artist that likes his songs to be his. Rightfully so. The artistic choices should belong to the artist.

Having someone take that right from him was unjust and despicable.
The film 'Let It Be' showed the band in a negative light, something that the public had never seen before.

Brian would always be protective of them and would never have allowed a film like that to have been released. Paul felt betrayed and hurt. The film was later banned.
By December 1969, Paul McCartney had given up hope of the band being redeemed to what it was in the past.

Paul went public and quit the band.

He was advised by the Eastmans to start legal proceedings against the Beatles to split the band up officially.
Allen Klein had persuaded the other three Beatles to refuse to allow Paul to leave the band. And so suing the band was the only option Paul had, which was such a hard time for him. He lost his confidence and was crushed.

His lawsuit meant that the band were officially dissolved.
I don't blame Ringo and George for agreeing to work with Allen Klein.

But I do think that their bitterness towards Paul at the time did mean that they were vulnerable to Klein's lies. Paul may have been 'egotistical', but he always had the best intentions for the band.
I also don't blame Allen Klein for splitting up the Beatles. It was inevitable in the end because they were all unhappy. But people are often so busy spreading false information about John Lennon that they don't see what Klein did.

I just can't understand Allen Klein.
Allen Klein manipulated his staff, was found guilty of fraud later in his career and made Paul feel completely powerless.

I just don't like his attitude towards the band and never think he had their best intentions in his mind. It was all about money for him.
This is a repost because I saw new people in the fandom saying that they were unaware of who Klein is and what he did. My old thread is - dead for some reason and it doesn't flow so here is a new one all about the man that I just - can't get my head around.
I don't hate Allen Klein for what he did because I don't think that's helpful. But it hurts. He played such an integral part in Paul McCartney's breakdown and it's not fair that people don't know what he did.

So I shared the facts and now you do. What do you think of him?
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