At no point in modern history has the media embraced examination of its own mistakes related to its coverage of politics. Where’s the @CNN town hall on that topic? Where’s the panel discussion about your extensive failures during the election @MSNBC
Think about how quick certain media outlets jumped to criticize Democrats performance in an election where Biden received the most votes ever and flipped 5 states from 2016. Have they examined ANYTHING that they’ve said or done over the last 5 years? Have they been flawless?
Nancy Pelosi and her brilliant tactics staved off the worst aspects of the Republican coup of the last 5 years. Media outlets welcomed Russian assets as part of their punditry. Who’s Lewandowski work for now? Kayleigh was @CNN nightly. Dave Rubin and Jimmy Dore @TYT folks.
Ana Kasparian @TYT and Thom Hartmann @NPR had shows on Russia Today aimed at discounting the Obama years, and damaging the Democratic Party to push Bernie Sanders. Bernie was Russia’s other asset and they all almost walked us straight into a trap. Did they talk about that yet?
Has Ari Melber or Chris Hayes examined how wrong Michael Moore has been over the last four years? Cenk and Krystal Ball ran terrible personal campaigns for office and lost badly. Did we examine how wrong they were in their assumptions yet? They seem so quick to attack Dems.
When media outlets decry Biden’s choices for cabinet remember the colorful cast of characters they gave a platform to. From Rick Santorum to Michael Tracey to again that sleezebag Michael Moore how many times did these creeps spew nonsense on their networks in the last 5 years?
Of all the media outlets on the Democratic radar, TYT was uniquely ripe for use as a source of misinformation pushed by bots. Has anyone examined why they were so well-suited as an outlet to push this type of propaganda? What is it about their platform or audience?
To understand the past 5 years, the only conversation cannot be ‘how come Democrats didn’t reach racists in rural America’. How did Joe and Mika’s normalization of Trump and unhinged hatred of Hillary Clinton help get us here? The media firewall against Hillary is something too..
In 2015 and 2016, the media was gleefully trashing Hillary about a bullshit email scandal they never paid attention to again when someone else did it. They gave life to misinformation on a global scale and said Democrats and Republicans were the same. They had fun and made 💰😒
While the Senate, led by Republican majorities, was the most corrupt institution over the last 5 years, the Fourth Estate, or the media was the WEAKEST. They caved to fascism for cheap ratings & clicks. They spread lies while being scared to call lies out. They normalized idiocy.
And don’t get me started on @NPR That shit fell off so completely when it comes to politics. They somehow mesh a legitimization of Republican-leaning, anti-Democrat tropes, with the worst kind of gentrifying, neoprogressive-liberal elitism. Never trust them on politics.
@NPR was so far up Bernie’s ass, Putin’s puppet hand was behind them.

That’s all that needs to be said about that.
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