1. Charles Koch, the right-wing billionaire who spent hundreds of millions of dollars to radicalize the Republican party, now says he regrets his "partisanship."

“Boy, did we screw up!” he writes in his new book.

But talk is cheap. Follow Koch's money. https://popular.info/p/money-talks 
2. During the 2020 election, the Koch Industries PAC contributed $1.37 million to Republicans and $46,000 to Democrats. Koch Industries PAC is more heavily partisan than it was in 2010 when it donated $1.18 million to Republicans and $112,000 to Democrats https://popular.info/p/money-talks 
3. Since the election, an organization funded by Koch, Americans for Prosperity Action, has spent 440K supporting the campaign of Senator David Perdue (R-GA)

Perdue is publicly fueling the conspiracy that the election was stolen from Trump https://popular.info/p/money-talks 
4. On 11/9, the day before Americans for Prosperity sent the bulk of its money, Perdue issued a statement calling on Brad Raffensperger, Georgia's Republican Secretary of State, to resign.

He asserted, without evidence, that the election wasn't "honest" https://popular.info/p/money-talks 
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