What we still don’t know:

1. Can cases of mild disease among those vaccinated transmit the disease? I suspect so but perhaps at a lower level. Until we know we should avoid saying “Don’t worry I’ve been vaccinated I can’t infect you”
2. How long will immunity last?
3. If we do need “booster shots” to bolster our waning immunity, how often will we need them?
4. Can people get different vaccines as boosters?
5. The current vaccines require 2 injections. Will a vaccine that requires a single shot prevail?
6. How do we distribute equitably?
7. If the virus “mutates” will we need a new vaccine? Most mutations don’t affect the spike protein which is the arm like thingy the virus uses to hold on to the cell to invade it, so I’m optimistic this approach will work for most mutations.

Thingy is a word btw ...
8. Vaccines don’t prevent the virus from getting into your body. They prepare your immune system to attack the virus. How do we get people to wear masks, socially distance & wash hands to prevent ASYMPTOMATIC SPREAD to the unvaccinated?
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