We need to know more about this lady. What's her medical history look like? What's her medications list look like? Has she been transfused recently? Any recent surgeries, slips, trips?

How is she today? https://twitter.com/TeamHaem/status/1328076131816321029
Does she present w/ symptoms of anaemia? Is her QoL impacted by the pain of the hip or possibly the manifestation of the anaemia or both?

What is the cause of her anaemia? Let's look at diet, medication, heamatinics, blood film, usual chemistry profiles, check validity of G&S.
If transfusion is the answer - Why 2 units? How did we come up with this number?

What's the plan? Do we have a target Hb in mind? Can we achieve that target with 1 unit? Any plan to reevaluate between the 2 units?
How soon is this surgery required?

Do we have time to consider optimising this lady's Hb without transfusing? The safest transfusion is the one we don't give.

Is intraoperative cell salvage in use at this hospital? Is this part of the surgical plan?
Group and screen results suggests patient is eligible for remote issue - clear communication required here to prevent any decision to not transfuse being unknowingly bypassed.
Any plans to follow this anaemia up after this particular episode of care?
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