why you should take “cant take a joke” out of your carrd : a “small” thread :]
/gen /srs
before I start, I am making this thread based off of PERSONAL OPINION, AND the feelings of others who have told me their opinion. and it is up to YOU if you want to take it out as well. i’m just saying something I’ve held in for a while. okay let’s continue.
when we see that some people have “can’t take a joke” in their dislikes or dont follow if section, it discourages me AND others from even wanting to follow you, regardless if you seem cool or not bc it’s insensitive. although it may not be your intention, that’s how it comes off.
for those that are ND (neurodivergent) they have a hard time deciphering whether someone is joking or not, so when something that is meant to be taken as a joke is said to them, and they get offended by it, that within itself is “not being able to take a joke”. to add onto that..
my personal opinion is, when I see things like that, it means that the jokes you make are harmful? or mean jokes. or borderline offensive. If your joke offends someone and they bring that up to you, don’t just brush it off by saying it was a joke.
just because it was a joke, that does not mean that it doesn’t have the potential to hurt someone or make them feel some type of way. with a lot of jokes, you have to hear the tone in which they are said as well. It’s disheartening.
of course people can take a joke and handle them, it’s the content within the joke, or what the joke was made about, or how the joke was said. that’s the problem. not the fact that the joke itself was made.
THIS PART IS A PERSONAL OPINION : i’m not professionally diagnosed as ND however, I also have a *very* hard time understanding tone as well, sometimes jokes offend or upset me, so when i see “cant take a joke” it just idk makes me sad (others ik can agree w/ this as well)
that’s the end of the thread! I am in no way trying to attack anyone who has that in their carrd at all, I just wanted to give my own opinion on something that affected me. I also made this thread in hopes of having an OPEN conversation with those who do and don’t feel the same.
so if there are responses, please don’t attack and be mean to e/o ! understand each other and your perspectives. i’ll take this time to add that if you joke w/ me and we are not close, please!!! use /j so i know 100% that you are joking, and i don’t take it the wrong way ! /gen
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