Ah yes, everyone knows that the blue city of Buffalo, NY is just crushingly expensive to live in https://twitter.com/mattyglesias/status/1328306874127671298
Also NYC has over 8 million residents so I’m not sure that attracting people is a major problem we need Yglesias to solve for us
I clicked through and his larger point — that states should become more socialist — is one I agree with, but his packaging just reveals he genuinely does not know anything about where people live and why.
Feels weird to be lecturing blue states about how they need to do more to attract middle class families when Wyoming is home to two people.
I can’t believe he clipped the intro paragraph out of his online preview
But seriously, what a beautiful illustration that the bulk of political punditry is just wealthy people with no awareness of life outside their tiny bubble pontificating about what the poors want
And don’t get me wrong, I’m an out of touch liberal elite, I’m just one who believes that low income people should be given more political power
Also, I’m sorry, I have to highlight this because it is an appallingly ignorant statement from someone who CO-FOUNDED A NEWS WEBSITE

For *years* New York State has had a bill for a statewide single payer plan — which is what “Medicare for All” in one state would be — up for vote
You can read more about it here: https://www.nyhcampaign.org/learn 

And yeah, it’s not *literally* Medicare, but the scare quotes around “Medicare for All” are presumably there because Yglesias knows that the phrase is just shorthand for single payer, which need not be literal Medicare
It appalls me that this man is considered a serious political thinker
Also, not to make it personal, but I have family who’ve attended and work(ed) at SUNY schools so the slight to the SUNY system really irks.

Sure, SUNY might not have a campus that’s as nationally renowned as UC-Berkeley, but that... doesn’t actually mean it’s not a good system?
And from what I recall the CUNY Grad Center is actually pretty top tier so...
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