We have a 2nd coronavirus vaccine that looks astonishingly effective — in early trials.

Moderna announced results this morning.

->30,000 patients in the trial

->Vaccine 94.5% effective

->Also a 2-dose vaccine

Trial not concluded. There are side effects, esp. after 2nd dose.
2/ Last Monday, as a reminder, Pfizer+BioNTech, announced preliminary results in trial of their vaccine — 90% effective. (Also a 2-dose vaccine)

That's 2 vaccines for coronavirus which are showing truly impressive effectiveness just months into development and testing.

3/ That's good news — but it's not going to rescue us from a hard, dark winter.

At the earliest, Pfizer & Moderna, and health departments around the US, might have the ability to administer vaccines to 20 million people starting mid- to late-December.
4/ Those early doses will go to front-line health care workers (trying care for us when we get sick) — and then to highest risk folks, including people who work at nursing homes, elderly, vulnerable.

General availability of these 2 vaccines in the US won't come til Feb/Mar/Apr.
5/ With the caution — which is hard to absorb — that results for both Pfizer and Moderna are good, but still somewhat preliminary.

Neither company released data on which age groups the vaccines are most effective for.

Neither released data on safety & side effects.
6/ Just for context on the next four months:

The US just had 1,037,000 confirmed cases in the last 7 days.

Even at a modest 2% case fatality rate (lower than current 2.2%), that's 21,000 Americans who will die in the next 6 weeks — just from the last 7 days of cases.
7/ The previous week — Nov. 2 to 8 — the US had more cases in 7 days than ever before: 773,000.

Deaths coming from that week: 15,500.

Just from that 7 days.

So 3 weeks from now, we're looking at 2,600 deaths *a day* coming — just from what happened in the last 2 weeks.
8/ The coming 7 days will bring another 1 million US cases, and another 20,000 deaths — maybe 2,800 a day — by mid-December.

Totally unnecessary.

How do we know? Because the pandemic was out of control in spring, and then in summer, and never got this bad.
9/ Our fed-up-ness with the pandemic is killing our fellow Americans.

Where exactly is the 'World War II' 'sacrifice-for-all' spirit of America?
10/ So we have a remarkable contrast:

Incredibly good news on vaccines, in part because of American ingenuity & determination (Pfizer's vaccine is the result of research from BioNTech, a German company founded by two Turkish immigrants).

Mind-boggling bad news on the pandemic.
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