Marketing Your Brand Using Tik Tok (Thread)

If you have an eCommerce Brand or Dropshipping Store, and your target demographic is 13-26 year olds...

Make time in your day to create content for Tik Tok.

Come up with a content marketing strategy for the platform.
There is many brands on Tik Tok driving free traffic to their sites, and you can just copy their strategies.

But the brands are not driving a few people to their site, but 100's of thousands of people. For free.
An example Tik Tok a brand has done that has gone viral is this one here (ShotBuddy).

11 Million Views, how much would that cost as a Paid Ad on FB or Instagram?
And an even better example of a brand's viral Tik Tok can be seen here (Popl).

Yes, 79 Million Views on 1 video.

Even if only 1% of that audience went to their site after seeing it - that's still 790,000 people.
So 790k people have been on their store with a Conversion Rate of a shitty 1%?

7,900 customers have now bought a $15 Product from just 1 Viral Tik Tok...
Nearly $120k in revenue with no paid marketing involved to ruin the profit margins.

3x that revenue number if they had a 3% CR Rate on their store.

Imagine what that would do for your profit margins. And all the data your FB pixel would be picking up. Or all the emails...
Examples of accounts doing it on Tik Tok:

Popl (The brand example used for numbers above!) 



They have their store's link
- in their bio
- in the titles of their videos
- as the top comment on their videos
- as the CTA at the end of their videos

End goal = Drive traffic to the store.
I gave ShotBuddy as an example because they're the most recent example I have found.

It is a prime example of how a Dropshipper can create a 'Branded One Product Store'


How Dropshipping is all about how good of a marketer you are.
Their store is fairly crap, and they only sell to the German market and some nearby countries for now.

But they have something most don't - a huge free traffic source.

They probably sourced the product from this listing on AliExpress or this one on AliBaba.
The smartest thing they could do for their
- sourcing
- quality control
- order fulfilment

is using the service that Drophaus provides -

The perfect logistics setup for Dropshippers + Brand Owners.
It shows how achievable this sort of eCom success is, and how quickly it can be done.

But don't be fooled by overnight success.

The marketers behind a store like ShotBuddy have probably
- failed more times than you
- have learned the best strategies through years of experience.
They even have articles written about their 'Tik Tok Brand' -

Your brand could have the same success if you implement what they do - simple Tik Tok's that go viral.

Study them! And make sure your product fits the target market of the Tik Tok audience.
That's All Folks.

If you liked this thread - give it a Like and a Retweet :)

Also - I published a more complete version of this thread in @wizofecom's Utopia.

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