The answer of course is to work together to find a compromise between "simply believing the virus is real" and "allowing yourself to become so completely mindfucked by far-right propaganda you fight the people trying to save your life until you're too close to death to speak."
FOX News and the rest of the American fascist propaganda machine, far-right billionaires, and the entire Republican Party have conspired to use every sort of bigotry as a vector to convince 10s of millions of Americans to enter a completely alternate reality.

Is the problem.
What will snap them out of it?

Not even dying.

Literally not even dying of the lie they've believed will convince them they're wrong.

Certainly no atrocity against others will do it. No level of vulgarity will manage it.

Nothing. Utterly mindfucked.
Far right media has to be taken off the air. Shuttered. Assets seized and distributed.

It's an intentional virus of dangerous lies. It's shouting "fire" in a crowded theater on a global scale.

They're trying to create a Civil War.

It's madness.
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