Today's client story from @coachshellyc, about getting more overwhelmed by trying to fill the knowledge gap, is basically my entire school experience as a teenager in any "plan your own learning" situation.
I was told that I have to figure out what's important (you know, the regular "would you just stop having ADHD") and/or that I shouldn't have such high ambitions.
What really got to me was having spent the entire Christmas holidays working on a project, only to return for a lowered grade *because of that*:

I hadn't understood that the goal for the assignment was showing that you could present the most important facts.
All in all, I ended up learning that a) I need to fix myself and b) that I'm not entitled to aim high in education (which I did anyway and have succeeded at times).
So, if you are in school or close to someone who is, tune in to the latest episode of @translatingadhd for filling an important (yes, I've figured it out this time) knowledge gap about how ADHD might have an impact.

#ADHD #neurodiversesquad
Adding to this: As far as my intelligence and learning skills goes, aiming for a top grade was completely reasonable.

It was the "how to complete assignment at top grade level" I wasn't able to figure out.
Suggesting that I should lower my ambitions will make my motivation drop, without being close to solving the issue.

And I do sincerely believe that I am entitled to aim high.

Just wish I could let go of needing to convince the rest of the world of this, before I start trying.
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