WordPress Dot Com, the publishing platform, has decided to exert *editorial control* on its largest Conservative site. Note that there's a level of control as always in the T&Cs to any web hosting, but read CTH's account and you tell me if their getting booted is reasonable. https://twitter.com/JamesTodaroMD/status/1328109614949421057
A lot of mainly center-right, and some center-left people spent the first few years reassuring everyone that the Republic can survive four years of Donald Trump.

As someone else said: the Republic probably can't survive everything that was done to get rid of him.
The media has violated and abused public trust.
Big Tech has meddled too obstrusively in our speech.
Mayors have allowed riots by refusing to call the Guard because it might make Trump look good.
Publishing platforms like Medium and WP dot come are deplatforming dissenting views.
Every institution has set itself on fire because Orange Man Bad.

Donald Trump didn't do that to them. They did it to themselves.
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