Women have been fighting for equality since the beginning of time. We have not fought to get prostrate exams. We do not fight for hormones to produce sperm or experience male orgasms. We do not call ourselves men and call men "testes carriers".
This idea that you can not pursue equality, and fight for your own space, without obliterating safe spaces and healthcare for biological women, and all their hard fought spaces in sports, art and culture, does not sit right with me.
All this energy to fight women for their hard won spaces (spaces fought for with blood and tears) and no energy to fight men, who are the greatest threat to transwomen. It makes no sense. Men are killing transwomen. But it is women wanting to be called women that are your problem
Things you need: Medical care that takes into account the peculiarities of your gender & sex

What you don't need: to be taken to the labour room for a phantom pregnancy and for your doctors to be afraid of discussing male biological related healthcare with you when you need it
What you need: Your own bathrooms where you feel comfortable and not afraid.
What you don't need: Women's bathrooms.

What you need: Sports inclusiveness that creates a category for transwomen to compete

What you don't need: beating up a biological woman in the name of sports
What you need: The right to love and be loved consensually without fear

What you don't need: The right to be loved by anyone you want because you say so.

What you need: Safehouses and resources for you as a vulnerable group

What you don't need: Access to women's safehouses
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