2/ Right now, almost all of our resources exist in Linear Economy.

We extract from the earth, use it once, then dump it. In ever increasing volumes.

Even when we recycle, we often only do that to something once or it creates less valuable products than it was before.
3/ Instead, we need a Circular Economy - one that provides the goods we need but doesn't cost the Earth every time.
4/ First Step - Dematerialise

What impact will a thing have when it's made, being used and after it has been disposed of?

"Producer Responsibility" means that whoever made it is responsible for what happens to it. Including packaging.
5/ Deconsumerise

A vast amount of what we make, we don't actually need and is sold to us by an economy that only exists to sell even more to us whether we need it or not.

The price of goods should reflect all costs involved, including environmental impact.
6/ Now that the good has been well designed, well manufactured and responsibly sold, it is ready to enter the Circular Economy.
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