Five important things about road charging, as floated in the Times today and which I've talked about for years:

1. We do need action to reduce traffic miles, which must include reducing the need to travel. The impacts of traffic are not just air pollution
2. It must be SMART and FAIR. Cities and regions must have control over the smart levers. One size will not fit all when it comes to varying charges by time of day, type of road, location, size, emissions etc.
3. Most importantly, cities and regions must share the revenue and every penny raised must go to improve public transport, walking and cycling ALTERNATIVES to driving. Most car journeys are very short so a massive chunk of the funding must go to buses, trams and local streets.
4. We must start with investment in alternatives to driving NOW, so that people can see we really do want to help them reduce car travel. The £27 billion road-building budget is the right source for this, and major schemes should be cancelled now.
5. And PRIVACY must be baked in from the start. This means not collecting any more data than needed, not just having promises to keep it safe. These standards will be eroded over time if not designed in. Remember the first thing the 2007 petition said was that it was 'sinister'.
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