Since the announcement of ceasefire, Azerbaijani public has gone from one mood to other. At first, naturally they celebrated, made feasts, paraded.
However, moods moldened once they saw Russian troops sliding into Karabakh. Aliyev promised in his interviews that "we will go until the end" - seems like that made their expectations incredibly maximalist. Even my parents were talking about occupation of Zangezur as punishment.
Right now three dominant groups have formed in society (as I observed in social media at least):
1 - People who are satisfied with current outcome and expect to have full clarifications about the subject in time.
2 - People who are not satisfied and want the war to go on.
3 - People who want Turkish peacekeepers beside Russians as they don't trust the latter.
Extension of deadline on Kalbajar's evacuation raised questions in Azerbaijani society (me too). They are shocked to see people leaving their houses burnt, infrastructure damaged, cutting trees, killing donkeys (although I understand the first 2).
All we can do right now is to demand answers from government. If anything, families have the right to know after losing their relatives in the war.
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