I really love how Anita's take on Mandalorian armor, insisting that it's "gatekeeping Star Wars" and saying "no girls allowed," basically tells any woman with a chest large enough that she needs armor that accommodates it that she doesn't exist. That's not sexist at all.
Just because you frame it as feminism doesn't mean you're not reinforcing the patriarchy when you insist that large chests are inherently sexual and only exist on film as male eye candy.

Apparently in Anita's world, I should wear a cape dress all the time but call it feminist
That's before going into how cisheteronormative it all is, as if the only people like want to look at breasts are men, and that the only people who have them are women.
This is just par for the course as far as her bad takes and sexism disguised as feminism, and I hate that so many of us had to defend her for so long because she was getting attacked by the Worst Men on the Internet as a culture war salvo to build what became the alt-right.
This is just another one of her takes that reminds me of nothing so much as the homeschool dads who wouldn't stop ogling my chest no matter what shirt I wore.
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