Despite being out of the agency ecosystem, I keep hearing stories of mistreatment of agencies in the pitch process by brands.

This abuse of power is never ok, but at a time like this when so many agencies are scrambling to protect jobs and stay afloat, it's detestable.
Industry bodies are plagued by politics and bad incentives and do little to protect (especially smaller, independent) agencies.

If you've never worked agency side you can't appreciate the cost, in time, money and psychological well-being, of dodgy pitches.
If you're a brand that purports to care about South Africa, building the economy, creating jobs and encouraging good work (yes I'm talking to you lot with the ads that, somewhat ironically, say all these things), do this:
- Pay decent pitch fees (you can afford to)
- Run professional, balanced processes
- Announce results when you promise to
- Don't invite agencies you have no intention of awarding business to, to pitch
- Be tough, but kind
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