The Lord was instilling a dependence on God. #Deznat

Jaredites didn't seem to have any formal commandments from God other than to worship Him and Him alone. They were fleeing Idolatry and Arrogance.
The people were building towers to escape the forces of nature (floods), enemies, and give the honor to themselves and their false Gods.

Isa 44: the carpenter cuts down the tree, carves an idol, worships the work of his own hands and then claims his own skill will save him.
This is what Idolatry does. It focuses us on ourselves and our own works, not on a God that we all depend on. And rather than take responsibility for our failings, we blame it on the whims of a false God.
On a Societal Level, Idolatry forms priest classes, elitism, and reinforces Royalty and tyranny. It separates the Haves from Have-Nots. It forms an oligarchy that gluts itself on the work of others. This can be in the form of a statue, a temple, a King, or even a philosophy.
Rather than adding value to the People, the Idol and those that guard it, sucks the populace dry. The lack of resources stirs revolt and political turmoil and then decline and conquering by other nations.
This is the pattern of the 10 Tribes, Judea, Nephites, Jaredites, Babylon, Assyria, and just about every other nation and Empire. Something other than God gets worshipped and it ruins the society.

Worshipping God breeds gratitude, hard work, and acceptance of responsibility
God wanted the Jaredites to work for themselves, but ALSO to depend on him for everything. This is the lesson of the Manna in the wilderness.

Nephi didn't seem to need this lesson (though Laman and Lemuel did)
When we think our own skills, efforts, or qualities will protect us from tragedy, or elevate us above our neighbor, or earn our way to Heaven, we become proud and wicked and fall.

God was preparing the Jaredites to become the greatest nation on Earth at that time.
They could only do that if they were unified in the worship of the same God, the real God. Even without formal religion and ceremony, just that proper focus will do tremendous Good for a people.

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