I won’t snitchtag the source but I will re-copy this image here and use it to call @ggreenwald a liar to his face.

Children don’t as a general rule receive transition surgeries, and I challenge him to produce any proof of this mendacious and transphobic claim.
Medical standards and insurance rules in many countries both dictate that, except in exceptional cases, chest surgeries are deferred to the age of consent. I do not believe that Glenn is exceptional enough to be in such company.
In any case, no real, self-respecting journalist would use third and fourth hand sourcing. Not only is he bigoted, he is unprofessional and this is why the Intercept was happy for him to leave. Glenn is nothing more than a Cassandra Fairbanks who accidentally wrote one good thing
The path for a minor to get any confirmation surgery is incredibly intense, far more intense than an adult receiving confirmation surgery, which is itself absurdly hard.

It’s so hard that it almost surely rules out any “regret” cases like the ones he’s scaring his readers about
It is embarrassing that the professional white opinion class has decided to monger transphobia as the last respectable hate. Glenn had trans friends; I wonder how many he can still look in the eye.
I’d challenge Glenn to provide reasonable evidence to support this claim without outing the kids:

- where did such surgeries occur?
- what are the local rules, and how did the children bypass them?
- how did the surgeries get funded, and by whom?
Should be easy for a crack investigative journalist
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