I've made a conscious decision to not reply to random ppl on twitter who ask me to explain about caste for the 100th time. I'm not running an IAS coaching centre. Go learn your GK from elsewhere. I'm not interested in your pseudo interest to have some shit intellectual debate.
This is my life. This is my experience. These are my lessons. It's not for me to figure out what role you play in it. Do your own work, atleast once in your life. Stop intellectualising my lived reality to try and show off your analytical skills.
Teaching me isn't your job. Get your head out of your ass. I'll learn from whatever, whenever, however. If you want to learn also, I'm not your teacher. I'm tired of this pretentious shit where I've to explain my life and establish logic so that your stupid shit brain can take it
So u pls ask ur questions abt Mayawati's politics,divisions in Dalits,lower class people in upper caste,in your circles/ur shastras.If u don't find anything there,go sit and meditate.Your god will appear and give u answers.If u genuinely care,learn to listen and have empathy. Bye
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