1/Let’s think for a minute about what’s going to happen between #yyccc & #AbLeg in the coming days. The province - responsible for health policy & related decisions - is wavering on how to deal with the steady increase in pandemic numbers.
2/They’re not keen on making mandatory restriction decisions & they haven’t allowed the fed contact tracing app to be deployed in AB. The number of cases continues to rise everywhere, most evident in places with larger populations like #yyc.
3/While the province treats @CMOH_Alberta like another bit player in the drama they have created around the pandemic, #yyccc treats @iceTyyc with respect for his expertise & evidence based recommendations.
4/That means we’re concerned that our chief advisor is concerned. We haven’t done enough & now we’re overwhelming our health care system. The province is waiting for us to do their job, to enforce greater restrictions as needed.
5/That allows the province to carry on with the facade of business-friendliness, and blame #yyccc for not caring about local businesses. They expect you to ignore the fact that their promise of more jobs & a better economy never materialized.
6/They expect you to ignore that their own auditor revealed mismanagement of public funds over a billion $. They expect you to be myopic & forget that they are 100% responsible for your health. They expect you to shift the blame.
7/I’ve said it before & I’ll say it again: wake up. What more do you need to see? We live in a province where responsible decisions are far less important than some hack strategists’ thoughts on what will get this government re-elected.
8/Watch carefully their dereliction of duty. Watch carefully the nonsensical rhetoric of a “fiscal reckoning” while they play with our lives. Then demand better. Stop being silent. If we don’t stand up now, we never will.
You can follow @JyotiGondek.
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