bathroom signs like this
dehumanizing non-binary people and calling it progressiveness 😁✌🏻
like ah yes, the three genders. man, woman, and mythical creature/alien/robot
disclaimer: i know that it’s great that there are gender neutral bathrooms that can even have these signs. that IS a good thing. i just find them really performative and ultimately harmful to depict non-binary and trans people as something other than human. that’s all i’m saying!
hi again! this is blowing up a bit. i’m currently an unemployed full-time disabled college student & spend a lot of time writing educational & community content on Twitter & Medium. if you wanna help support my work, i have a tip jar. thanks friends <3 
oh and while you’re here, please consider donating to (or boosting) some trans and non-binary folks in need. i’ll link the thread below. 💕
You can follow @radiantbutch.
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