Oh my gosh. The idea that these are discrete, distinct categories- what a super un-realistic take on how ppl come to detransition. https://twitter.com/pikachurch/status/1328088537304948736
I stopped taking T bc I couldn’t afford the hit to my finances from being read as a bearded lady. I lived for another 1.5 years convinced I was the unluckiest man to have ever lived. Then I got a job at a trans clinic + THEN came to “oh this idea keeps taking me to bad places.”
Ppl who detransition bc of money/health concerns overlap with ppl who detransition bc they decide their gender beliefs aren’t positive for them. There is not the neat little confused cis/ true trans binary people want SO BAD.
I wasn’t a confused cis. I was a hyper-well informed all the way often suicidal over my man in a womanly body predicament. I finally got so well informed that I was like “I deserve a longer, more comfortable, less ensconced in a weird bubble life.”
But see it does matter that I value a long, healthy, physically comfortable and I can hang out with almost anybody kind of life. It turned out I wanted this kind of life more than the not-really-much-like-the-lives of the men I saw myself in that surgeons and T could give me.
I had been around lots of men, and super envious of them, for my whole life. My life as a trans man would not have been much like the life I had wanted all those years. I don’t know why this super obvious distinction is hard for people to grok.
If you want the life of a trans man, go get that life. The reality of that life is WAY distinct from the life of a man. So get good and comfy with that reality before you spend your money and let a doctor knock you out.
The magical thinking normies have about medical transition? You, gender dysphoric friend, cannot afford that magical thinking. Get super clear on the nitty gritty of the future your choices will create.
Now I’m going to watch some Leah Remini and be thankful I never signed a Sea Org contract.
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