If you have symptoms of Covid and/or you are waiting on a swab because you were exposed to someone with Covid please please please don’t lie about it to the healthcare workers asking you screening questions when you come into hospital supporting your family member.
1. We cannot be there to look after patients in need of care when we are put on isolation due to exposure to you when it turns out you are positive for Covid. We are working hard enough to do our job and seriously do not need this additional stress.
2. People who do this risk making it worse for everyone, directly for bringing the virus into spaces with vulnerable people, indirectly by forcing the system to reduce visitors and support people - patients deserve these supports but one person can ruin it for many.
We will only get through this with team work, looking out for each other.
Like any team project there is often one member who doesn’t pull his weight. How do we get through to those who don’t? I worry that “cut it out” just isn’t cutting it for some people.
Thanks for listening
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