Thread-Seeing a lot of ‘template articles’ from Indian origin commentators who focus on India-US relationship. Here is the template 1) India-US relationship is beyond whoever occupies the White House 2) lot of progress has been made 3) Biden will ‘question’ India on Human Rights
Half of this commentary is lazy commentary.Other half is working on ‘pressurizing’ India to walk into the US camp because ‘Strategic Autonomy’ is just so ‘Indian’. India must choose a bloc -a commentator writing for a Indian newspaper made it palatable by calling it a system :)
There is no doubt in anybody’s mind that India-US cooperation is not just necessary but inevitable. There is lot of pro America sentiment in India today compared to Cold War era. No politician except loony far left, who will never come to power, promote antagonism with the US
However what these commentators need to understand is that India is not going to come to the table without being given the freedom to choose that America’s allies are not India’s allies and America’s enemies are not India’s enemies.
America will not decide India’s foreign policy even though India understands how critical partnership with the US is. This is not because India is delusional or does not understand power deferential.This is because India understands true partnership stems from mutual respect
India’s Foreign Policy now takes into account that India is a civilizational country. India has historical alliances and civilizational ties with other countries that are older than America itself. India has a history that cannot be forgotten
All these template writers take a lot of effort in writing why India must walk into American ‘system’ but have made no effort to educate themselves how Indian Foreign Policy has changed in last 6 years. Condescension will not work nor will veiled threats. Talking like equals will
Also these veiled threats about alleged Human Rights are juvenile. Works well for ideologues but those who consider themselves thinkers should stay away from forming their opinion on Human Rights from NYT reportage if they want to be taken seriously.
The hope is their opinion pieces will shape opinion in the White House and on the Hill from January 20th onwards. Doesn’t hurt being hopeful. But two mature democracies that are faced with same existential threat will rely on hardcore diplomacy and not on Track 2 artistes.
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