Lee Anderson the latest Tory MP with Covid used to be a Labour councillor and Brexiter until he switched to be conservative in 2018 before the election.

Known for a variety of unsavoury conduct. https://twitter.com/bbclaurak/status/1328073602193879040
For instance he advocated “Let's have [the tenants] in the field, picking potatoes or any other seasonal vegetables, back in the tent, cold shower, lights out, six o'clock, same again the next day."
He was served with a community protection order for blocking a camp sight with boulders, and suspended from the Labour Party.

He was the one that set up that fake door knock campaign chat that @MichaelCrick caught on camera.
Oh. And investigated for anti semitism when an active member of a Facebook page supporting Tommy Robinson and spreading conspiracy theories about George Soros.

Of course Johnson would think he was just the man to relaunch his image.
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