Aight since everyone wanted a piece of that oxtail, here's how you get there. Step one: get some of this. Tamarind pods. Soak em in water for like a half hour, shuck the hard shell.
It'll look like this. Inside those are little seed pods, you can just squeeze em out at this point. What's left is tamarind paste. That's alllllll flavor 👌🏾👌🏾👌🏾
Get yourself to the butchers and pick up some oxtail. Its hella expensive now (thanks colonizers) but we gonna cook this up real nice. I'm cooking for 4 so this is 4lbs of oxtail. I like the bigger ones.
Give your oxtail a dry rub. I like salt, pepper, paprika, cumin, allspice, thyme, bay leaf. Get a crockpot smoking hot and brown on all four sides. Set aside.
Now take an onion & some garlic and sweat those bois out in the pan with all the drippings from browning your meat. Add orange juice, sherry (or red wine... or rum) more bay leaf, your tamarind, cook it out a lil, then add your oxtail. Cover with hot stock.
Bring your pot up to a boil and then turn it down to a simmer.
Now, go find something to do for the next 3.5-4 hours 🤣
This photo, for reference, was at the like, 2.5 hour mark.
At the end, I like to take the oxtail out for a hot second and really crank the heat, let thay liquid reduce a lil to thicken it up to like a gravy consistency. The tamarind adds a sweetness to the savory, and the meat just drips off the bone.
Recipe courtesy of the incredibly talented DeVonn Francis ✊🏾
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