Thread: Successfully fighting/achieving victory over America’s adversaries requires that American’s learn how they’re being manipulated, then committing to engage in a greater counter reaction to our enemies. We need to look at weak spots & self-correct. Let’s talk about PSYOPS.
2) ADDICTION: Twitter is a drug.

What can we learn from it?

Twitter is responsible for the addiction of millions of people. If actual stats on substance abuse hold true to Twitter addiction, successful treatment for 80%+ of its subscribers is unobtainable.
3) Why does this concern you?

Twitter is one massive PSYOP that's being conducted on everyone on the platform. There are many different facilitators of PSYOPs who're all competing w/each other w/the express goal of gaining control of your mind in order to control your behavior.
4) This is only one way in which the deployment of PSYOPs is being conducted. All social media, est. media, including TV, radio, print, EDU, advertising et al. is molding the way you see your world. Most people are either not aware or slightly aware but submissive. #Groupthink
5) KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. What you don’t know, can, and does hurt you. And you cannot change what is going on in America today without a constant effort to break out of the fog of war in which you are currently engulfed.
6) Most Americans are not taking the current threat to their country & freedom seriously. We know this b/c the behavior of the majority tells us emphatically. It also tells our adversaries that they have the upper hand. How & in what ways they control you to meet their end goals.
7) How do we know?

The majority reaction to the current threat environment is not in the slightest commensurate with that threat. To win any war there must be an effort in “greater measure” & effectiveness to that of our enemies.
8) Controlling the behavior of the masses has been the goal of est. elites in every power center & govt across the globe since the beginning of mankind’s developed existence. Domestic leaders, foreign adversaries, bankers, corp. globalists, & varying ideologies all vie 4 control.
9) If you want to break out of the environment of faceless actors controlling you and begin to control that environment then you need to gain more understanding first.
10) To further comprehend let’s break down the mechanisms of Twitter addiction. To do so, we can gain more insight from the scientific work behind Pavlovian Theory. Remember, this matters to you because you cannot change what you do not know or fight an adversary you cannot see.
11) “Several consumer behavior theories have emerged as marketers apply findings in fields like psychology and sociology to consumers wants, needs and identities. Some of the most popular examples include psychoanalytic theory and Pavlovian theory.”
12) “Pavlovian theory is a learning procedure that involves pairing a stimulus with a conditioned response.”
13) “In the famous experiments that Ivan Pavlov conducted w/his dogs, Pavlov found that objects or events could trigger a conditioned response.
13a.) The experiments began w/ Pavlov demonstrating how the presence of a bowl of dog food (stimulus) would trigger an unconditioned response (salivation).”
14) “Pavlov noticed that the dogs started to associate his lab assistant [or a sound] w/food, creating a learned & conditioned response. This was an important scientific discovery.”
14a) Over time the dog was conditioned to salivate in the presence of the lab tech or a sound without the presence of food.
15) Does Pavlovian Theory also apply to human beings? Let’s find out… John B. Watson and his graduate student, Rosalie Rayner, at Johns Hopkins University conducted “The Little Albert” experiment which showed empirical evidence of classical conditioning in humans.
16) In 1920 Watson and Rayner set out to answer the three questions below.
17) “Little Albert was a 9-month-old infant who was tested on his reactions to various neutral stimuli. He was shown a white rat, a rabbit, a monkey and various masks. Albert described as "on the whole stolid and unemotional" showed no fear of any of these stimuli.”
18) “However, what did startle him and cause him to be afraid was if a hammer was struck against a steel bar behind his head. The sudden loud noise would cause "little Albert to burst into tears.”
19) “When Little Albert was just over 11 months old, the white rat was presented, and seconds later the hammer was struck against the steel bar.”
20) “After seven pairings of the rat and noise (in two sessions, one week apart), Albert reacted with crying and avoidance when the rat was presented without the loud noise.”
21) “By now little Albert only had to see the rat and he immediately showed every sign of fear. He would cry (whether or not the hammer was hit against the steel bar) and he would attempt to crawl away.”
22) Conditioning & controlling the human response has been refined on Twitter’s tech platform via, RTs, clicks, followers, AI, & algorithms. Twitter developers set up a user caste system of hierarchy, re: blue checks, influencers, elitists, and serfs (general public).
23) The pursuit of ever more RTs, clicks, followers is the mechanism/reinforcement that gives the common masses an opportunity to gain the attention of influencers, leaders, stars etc. that they would normally never have access to.
24) Getting RTs, clicks, and followers creates a false sense of achievement and triggers the release of endorphins re: epinephrine & or dopamine in the body that translates into momentary feelings of elation and satisfaction. Just enough that you want more.
25) The problem for many is that it takes more and more followers and clicks to create the temporary euphoria. You may experience subtle feelings of sadness or even depression when you aren’t able to get the attention that you seek for your content.
26) This motivates many to create more and more emotionally charged content to get the desired reaction. If you depend on Twitter for you economic well-being the motivation & means to get your piece of the pie, re: $$$, is even more pronounced.
27) Twitter & other social media platforms develop a competitive enviro where people can create their own business & power but there is a catch.
27a) The owners social media platform giant's can yank it & crush you at will & without suffering any recourse.

You have no protections.

They can end you at will.
28) Your govt “talks” about adding protections that NEVER materialize. Think about all the things that matter to you in life where you sought change & voted for select leadership to create.
28a) Congressional leaders you hoped would work in your, your family, and America’s best interests promise solutions that never comes to pass. There are innumerable reasons for this all too complicated to detail for the purpose of this thread.
29) Suffice to say, every promise made and not kept is like a little cut to your psyche. You’ve been conditioned to accept this result, the result of not getting "any" results.
30) Living in this oppressive push-pull environment creates frustration, anger, disillusionment, dissatisfaction, fatigue, and even rage that prompts some to seek answers. Those who become activists looking to act find an NGO or movement that is waiting & promises answers.
31) Unfortunately, the facilitators of many of these movmts are part of the same system who seeks to control you by any means to reach “their” goals. Goals which have nothing to do with you, your needs, or desires.
32) Most of the masses don’t become activists, most are lulled into a sleep which was conditioned into them over the course of generations they became content to cast a vote and leave things to their leaders to do the right thing on their behalf.
33) Their job was done hope for change and wait until the next election where they repeatedly face the same reality that “nothing” changed & the people that they voted for invariably became wealthier.
34) Over time the masses have been misinformed, manipulated, beaten down, & left, in their minds, w/o representation or recourse and conditioned to accept it—Content to live their lives and not buck the system, no matter what abuse that the system delivers.
35) How many times have you said or heard a family member or friend say, “I/we can’t do anything about it. Just live your life and be happy.”
35a) Unfortunately, what that really means is this,

"submit to the system,"

"don't bother asking questions they just lie to you,"

"you're helpless."

And you regularly reinforce that narrative to yourself & others.
36) Now we face a stark reality which has been brought us by many complicated factors. One of the chief realities is that technology itself is helping bad actors to solicit our cooperation to destroy ourselves.
37) Disinfo is destroying America. My old acct was inundated by followers w/controlled oppo accts he’s referring to. They made my life a living hell always swimming upstream to provide quality info. I walked away from 75k followers b/c these people damage minds.
37a) I urge you to not get defensive and turn your mind off to what @johncardillo is saying because he is correct. By thinking what is happening is a game & mindlessly participating in PSYOPs you are, in effect, making yourself "controlled opposition."
37b) You have unknowingly become the very thing you don't want to be....the enemy defeat mechanism.

The enemy's soldier who's efforts result in negating American institutions and the real warriors who are actually capable to fight them on your behalf.
38) PSYOPs are extremely damaging to mental health. If you are not aware of what they are capable of doing they can and do result in lasting psychological damage both to operators and participants.
39) Broadcasting psychologically-& ideologic-biased materials of a provocative nature, mixing partially truthful & false items of info . . . can result in a mass psychosis, despair & undermine trust in govt., armed forces; &, in general, lead to the destabilization of countries.
40) “In the 1998 book If War Comes Tomorrow? The Con-tours of Future Armed Conflict, Russian Gen. Makhmut Akhmetovich Gareev argued information operations would be the decisive element in future wars.
41) Even worse, they have to ability to destroy countries. Look around, look at America, you are part of one right now.
42) One result of undermining institutions is that now many believe the words of anon pigs, anon medics, & even self-described psychiatric patients & take what they say as fact. This is what we’ve come to now. Getting unsubstantiated facts from pink pig avatars on Twitter. Why?
43) Because even top influencers RT them. It doesn’t matter that those influencers post disclaimers on their accounts “RT doesn’t = endorsement” because that is exactly what their followers believe they are doing when they RT someone, endorsing them & their info.
Every subsequent association of those people's association tree of followers also have the same effect.

How often have you said to yourself, "If X influencer follows/RTs this person, they must be okay?" I've done it too.
44) How many former generals, former FBI agents, and CIA agents were rewarded with media jobs in the past five years?
45a) A society is only as sick as it's secrets.

Secrets can only be contained so on a planet of billions of people before certain truths leak out which eventually become a flash point for a conflict.
46) Perhaps one of the most problematic issues on the right are the grifters & unsuspecting citizens who spread disinfo by and for the menacing 17th letter of the alphabet which even est. influencers take oaths supposedly to unite the masses for a common goal of action.
46a) Some of these people are well meaning, albeit misinformed, patriots, others among them are the professional operators of the PSYOP itself, & still others are the actual opposition who seek to exploit or redirect it.
47) Nevertheless, 100s of thousands follow w/o ever seriously asking

"What are they uniting the masses for?"

"Is there a manifesto, a written creed of stated goals in which to achieve a better America or something else?"
47a ) NO, it’s simply mindlessly RTd to for some general purpose labeled “save America.”

What patriot doesn't want to do that?

..."Trust the plan, all will be revealed."

Don't ask questions though. Those who do are attacked and I am one such person.
48) So what lesson can we extract from this knowledge and these experiences which, in one way, or another, we are all a party to? One of the chief lessons must be that we begin to realize that our participation aids the enemy in innumerable, immeasurable, & damaging ways.
48a) Our participation reinforces a national psychosis and undermines the very country that we love, as well as, the actual leaders that our enemies regularly strike down, careers ruined by the career ending "conspiracy theory" labels or worse.
48b) All due to the fact that our own individual complacence, an ill informed populous, opened the door to the left, & our enemies— who gained near total control over the flow of information—the primary institution on which we rely on for a healthy, functioning Republic.
49) By refusing to see that we have in essence made ourselves the controlled opposition in our own demise must be made clear by far more capable, more intelligent, & more influential people than me.
50) What everyone must be made to see is that what these menacing grifter & disinfo accts achieve is to negate real warriors who possess the actual education, knowledge, insight, & experience to help us win this Cold war and who can guide us through when it inevitably goes HOT.
50a) How we achieve this and still retain the First Amendment rights of all citizens is no easy feat. The responsibility falls,m once again, largely on the citizens who lack proper information about what it they they are doing.
50b) And informing them of the personal costs to them for non-compliance.

Because the truth of the matter is we are all paying dearly for partly what amounts to our own selfishness, laziness, greed, stubbornness, & the coveting of denial we all suffer to varying degrees.
51) I’ve made some of the same mistakes. At some point, though, we all need to step back & ask ourselves what are we doing? Does this make sense? What info has been provided as proof? What do I know about the person providing it? Re. How do I know a pink pig on Twitter is DOJ?
52) I don’t seek to demonize anyone. I seek only to make people aware of the results of choices and what a lack of self-awareness, held by all of us, in varying degrees, can do should it continue unchecked.
53) We are teetering on the precipice of being forced into a submission where we will have to face very unpleasant realities that have been knocking on the door of our minds, calling us to wake up, & take action for a very long time.
54) Personally, I believe we can win but we need to wake up, to take stock, & to act in appropriate, and more effective ways in the effort to subdue and then crush our enemies. And we must start today.

It is an all hands on deck endeavor.
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