It's true that you don't need a CS degree to be a programmer, however, you should be sure to study up and familiarize yourself with different Data Structures if you want to have a career in Software Engineering.

This thread talks about a few key linear data structures 🧵
Linked List(LL): Contains a list of nodes that contain values as well as a link to another node, connecting them in a chain-like manner.

A Single LL has nodes that are connected in a single direction as seen below. A Doubly LL connects nodes going in both directions
Array: A collection of items of the same type which are stored at continuous memory locations.

Each item in an array can be identified by an array index (or key). Arrays are one of the most frequent data types used in programming and vital for managing lists of data.
Stack: A stack stores data in a Last In, First Out(LIFO) type of manner. Think of it as similar to stacking a pile of bricks. In order to access to brick on the bottom of the pile, you first need to remove the bricks on top of it one by one.
Queue: A queue uses a First In, First Out (FIFO) design. The first node to be added to the queue will always be the first value removed from that queue. Think of it as a stack, but one by which we add values from the bottom of the stack instead of the top.
Images from geeksforgeeks! There are plenty of other data types, but these are the core types when discussing linear data types.

If you really want to familiarize yourself with them, try creating your own, custom made data types using any Object-Oriented programming language!
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