Some of the best, most engaging, most entertaining, most innovative content I’ve seen has come from “small” creators.

The size of an influencer’s community or their social stats aren’t a determination of quality.

This isn’t even a “hot” take, it’s actually known.
I see this a lot on social, and it’s worth saying for you creators and for everyone in general: Some of the highest retention rates and drives to purchase come from small-to-mid size creators NOT from the biggest channels.

There’s a lot of reasons why: higher creator-to-community engagement being top of the list. It’s why companies may ask what your social or go-live notification engagement rates are.

If you’re growing your channel and want to work with a brand DONT LIMIT YOURSELF BASED ON SIZE.
I genuinely feel like there’s room for everyone at the table - and a space for all creators to thrive. With brands, with viewers, with services and platforms.

We all have our strengths and we’re all deserving of success, from the newest to the biggest influencers 🥰
You can follow @aureylian.
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