We had our last open gym today, before the 4 week suspension of winters sports in ND starts. As you can see, our players were masked up, like they are everyday in school, and have been every open gym for 6 weeks. High school student-athletes are great role models.
They do the right thing because they know what the right thing to do is. They love their sports, and have a passion for them. However playing the game is not the only thing they get from sports. They learn skills you can’t learn anywhere else.
They learn how to be a great teammate, and to think of others, not just themselves. They learn about caring, responsibility, integrity, toughness, grit, accountability, leadership, and so many other things. It makes them ND Smart. This is why activities are so important.
All of these skills help them become great members of their community, and our communities and our state need more of these types of people right now. Taking sports away from these kids is not the answer. Taking away an opportunity to allow these kids to continue to develop
these types of skills right now is not the answer. If allowing kids to continue with their education is so important, then allow them to continue activities so they can continue their education, and continue developing into great, well-rounded people.
They will be the role models our state needs right now, and they will set the great example for everyone to follow. For their education, for their health (physically, mentally and emotionally), and for our state, Let The Kids Play. #LetThemPlay
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