The mental health crisis among artists takes many forms: frustration, loneliness, low self-worth, all of which can lead to deeper depression & anxiety. If you're an artist or know someone who is, you know that sadness is widespread and accepted as 'part of the job' 1/x
But it's a myth that artists are prone to sadness simply because of who they are - that they are "sensitive souls" and that suffering comes with the territory - there are structural reasons for why artists often feel so lost and profoundly unhappy 2/x
The most important book I've ever read about music is called Can Music Make You Sick. @sallysharp & @DrGMusgrave spent four years asking artists how they feel, then expertly situated their findings within cultural theory & economic context (free PDF) 3/x
I'll be chatting with Sally & George tomorrow on @spiritlevelco's Twitch from 7pm - we'll do what we can to unpack some of the structural issues that lead to mental health issues for artists, and talk about what needs to change & how to start changing the narrative 4/x
Because here's the thing - art/music/culture is a social good, a public good. We need dreamers, who can imagine better futures and rally for change and humanism, now more than ever - we need artists in our communities, in our social infrastructure, in our governments 5/x
Being a dreamer should not be such a dark path. I'm here to talk about ways we can embolden and support each other to dream & imagine, share our experiences & diverse perspectives, reflect society back at itself playfully and critically. We need artists. 6/6
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