In light of of these sexual assault stories coming out, I have a few things to say.

The main focus of this thread will be the leading up to a potential sexual assault.

let’s discuss the build up to it and ask ourselves a few questions đŸ§”
ALL of the stories that have come out has been in environments (hotels/parties) that Islam FORBIDS.

Why are people just skipping that like it’s a normal thing? Have the kufars and liberals brainwashed us to the point that we don’t even question..
why are two Muslims that are not the same gender alone in a room/place together?

Why are we not questioning what they are wearing or what they are putting in their bodies (alcohol/weed/balloons) etc because some sort of intoxicant has been included in almost all of the stories
Why are we not questioning the sexual dms that these people are exchanging that eventually leads up to the girl claiming rape?

"I got in the cab, got in the back seat, smoked Two packs of balloons, kissed him back, with my mini skirt"
IS THIS OK? Why is this being minimised?
even IF they didn’t do anything, They still committed Huge sins that everyone seems to ignore.

I’m beyond shocked as a Somali whose people have been Muslim since the beginning of Islam seeing these liberal Girls minimise these acts -
people acting like kufaar degenerate whores and making Zina seem like a minor thing... saying things like “I said put the tip in and not the full thing” as a Person who claims to be Muslim, Subhannallah.. I was beyond mortified.
Also BigFuckinMoe publicly coming out and mentioning filthy things happening in bushes Subhannallah acting like animals, degeneracy has become so rampant and normalised ÙˆŰ§Ù„ŰčÙŠŰ§ŰŻ ŰšŰ§Ù„Ù„Ù‡
Where are these peoples parents ? Where are the men in their family?, it seems they have no order in their lives to be behaving this way and coming out in public with disgusting things like this, May god guide these people.
If this was a Noble Muslim country none of these people would have the courage to post about this filthy behaviour, they would both be violently lashed for committing Zina According to the Quran and Sunnah.

Long live Islam and long live Shariah Law
To end this thread I would like to ask one thing

If you’re regularly going out, especially at night, putting stuff in your body that don’t belong there, wearing slutty clothing etc, do not be shocked at the type of ppl you will attract and what type of behaviour you’re invitin?
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