“medihotel” is a special word for reporters, right? It means “hotel quarantine but with a Liberal state government shut up” yeah?
the way state borders are immediately re-closing after the prime minister made his big announcement 3 days ago reminds me of how the travellers from NZ “bubble” turned to shit within hours of the prime minister making his big announcement.
maybe national cabinet is a redundant executive power move chaired by an executive power-hungry shitclown.
one reason the litany of lies Morrison announces resonate, I think, is that the things he announces are wholly in the capacity of this country to achieve - except for the shonky nasty lazy and incompetent government making the announcements.
it’s like he is the problem announcing the solution, and ensuring the solution can not be realised because he is the problem, while the press gallery wrongly credit him as the solution instead of correctly identify him as the problem, day after day, news cycle after news cycle.
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