Okay fam, it's that time, Pepe thread time. Now, today's subject is going to be a little bit uncomfortable, personal finance. Buckle up fam, we're going to have hopefully an enlightening thread.
1. This is a subject we really don't discuss here, but our personal economic decisions have serious ramifications for each other, so we need to make wiser personal economic decisions. I'm just doing this to give you useful tidbits so you can consider your situation.
2. Let's start with credit cards. They're a necessary evil in this society. Everytime you pay interest on those things, you enrich evil corporations who literally lobby to make you a debt slave.
3. So, you must have at least one, probably 3-4 for excellent credit, because of the way credit scores are computed. Number of open accounts, on time payments, percentage of credit used, and length of open accounts make up your credit score.
4. So, do you have credit cards? If so, are you paying them off monthly? Does your credit card charge you an annual fee?
5. You should shoot to have a credit card that you pay off monthly with no annual fees. You can add a new credit card every 2-4 years to add to your open credit to enhance your credit scores.
6. One of the worst things you can do with credit cards is to carry them all around so that they're on you and it's tempting to buy shit you weren't planning on buying. Remember, you're most likely being charged loan shark interest rates.
7. So, you should only use a card for an extreme emergency, to pay a monthly bill that you will pay off at the end of each cycle, or to make a large purchase that you have the cash in your bank account to payoff at the end of the month.
8. Now, let's talk about those items you purchase. Take a careful look at what products you're buying and who you're buying them from.
9. When you shop from Amazon, you may think you're getting a good deal and a great price, but is that really true? You're literally funding Obama's bff Jeff Bezos, who is manipulating the tax code to drive every mom and pop out of business and is using that to crush wages.
10. There are ethics to consider when purchasing products. If your buying clothes from Abercrombie & Fitch, you're literally spending money with someone who now donates to BLM, who want to see you destroyed.
11. So, you should consider buying brands from non-crazy people and shopping with local business rather than spend your money with evil corporations that are funding your demise.
12. This may make you spend a few more dollars and cost you some convenience, but this is certainly a price that you should consider paying if you genuinely want old fashioned community like you claim.
13. This may mean going to a mom and pop store, spending a few extra dollars on an item and waiting for them to order it for you and you having to go pick it up, but the extras are worth it for community.
14. The next couple of things we'll touch on is to start being more frugal so that you can afford to support your community. I get so sick of everyone always upgrading everything the moment something new comes out.
15. If your shit still works, you don't have to be first in line for something new because the corporations tell you that you must have it. Stop consuming their shit so freely.
16. Now, when I calculate expenses, I take mortgage payment, insurance payments, utilities, and all other fixed expenses and calculate how much that is. The difference between that and projected pay is my disposal income.
17. Of that difference, I put 1/4 aside for savings, usually split between long term savings like stock market, crypto, gold, or emergency savings and short term savings for a large ticket item I want to purchase, such as a TV or a vacation.
18. The other 3/4 is what I get to spend for my disposable needs, food, entertainment, gas, etc. Now, I calculate that down to a weekly basis, withdraw the cash weekly, and if I go through the cash too fast, then I don't get to get gas or eat.
19. When you are forced to see yourself give up actual cash in exchange for an item, it forces you to see what you are giving up for the item, and it compels you to consider the value more clearly.
20. Remember fam, trad life is about being responsible, and being fiscally responsible is one of the most trad things that you can do. So, please take the time to assess your personal expenses.
21. Ask how you can be frugal for you and your family while being economically responsible to your community.
22. Always remember that credit cards are debt traps that ate unfortunately necessary to get to excellent credit. Never let yourself fall for them.

Pepe out.
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