In 1998, voters in California voted to pass prop 227 which eliminated bilingual education in the state. It wasn't repealed until *2016*

Not being educated formally in your native language and having two working parents set up two gens for limited acquisition of their language
Immigrant children growing up knowing their language is a 1.5 phenomenon, or reveals that they probably had one parent at home or lived in an ethnic cluster

What's embarrassing is that people cast these aspersions instead of fighting for access to language acquisition
I can speak Spanish fluently because I was born in México and lived their before I had to flee with my parents. My brother and sister can barely stumble through the language

I can only read and write because I put in work that was only possible because of a set of privileges
The structural, institutional barriers sit on top of cultural forces which make use of the native language difficult, dangerous

Speaking Spanish in public subjected me to racist tirades/threats at age *8*. I'm not surprised parents don't want to put their kids through that
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