2/ The history of game consoles was a history of technical progress leading to new content designs. 8bit to 16bit opened up new types of game experiences, like high-speed fighting games. The CD-ROM enabled games to feel like movies, e.g. FF7, MGS.
3/ DVDs and Bluray furthered that trend, making each generation feel fundamentally different than before and giving you a sense of progress. By the 8th generation, attempts to expand via Kinect and VR largely fell flat. Consoles doubled down on what they knew sold.
4/ This generation didn’t change by design. Reviews praise the quick loading times, not something you needed a console for. A decent PC could accomplish the same years back. https://www.vulture.com/article/playstation-5-ps5-review.html
8/ Take a look at various screenshots of Twitch’s top streams over the course of console launch week. The top titles mostly look like the rest of 2020, and even the new titles may not necessarily be played on a next gen console.
9/ Nintendo recognized this years back, which is why they focused not on the technical prowess but on convenience and content. The best monetizing titles of 2020 don't have cutting edge graphics. Minecraft, Roblox, Fortnite, Among Us, Fall Guys. Cutting edge graphics is a niche.
12/ Player focused games are going to still be best locally rendered. Cloud streaming will instead be a new flavor of entertainment, Massive Interactive Live Events or MILEs. It’s this new entertainment format that will pull in new audiences, rather than traditional games.
13/ In a video game it is your journey. You are the protagonist, you have agency. In MILEs, this is different. The community determines the path of the journey. The community has agency, and the characters may also have agency. It will look like a mix of television and games.
14/ This is not a replacement for consoles. The failure of cloud gaming to displace the consoles despite, at this point, being ubiquitously available with similar content to consoles proves that demand for cheap, high quality gaming is going to continue. https://www.theverge.com/2020/11/10/21558820/youtube-premium-subscribers-free-stadia-premiere-edition-bundle-deals
16/ Consoles are a known business that’s reached a comfy plane. Disruption is coming in terms of business model via gamepass, but doesn't change the audience.

The technologies behind games, applied to new formats, are what are going to continue to expand the market and audience.
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