So I spent that last 6 weeks without an apartment. I’m working all the time, either from my office or driving Uber so didn’t really need one. I’m on the road with my kids on weekends. In this time I’ve heard privately from so many people. I won’t out any of you in this thread 1/
Many more of my friends - close and casual - have started to reach out about how to be homeless. Where they should park, shower or sleep. How to eat on a budget or where to look for side hustles. 2/
I’m really feeling like we are going to see a crisis happen fast. Yes we are in a crisis with COVID, but I’m hearing from so many more people than I expected that have burned through all of their savings and will be living out of their car to save rent money. 3/
They will do this in the worst of the pandemic so far and for friends in the northeast, it’s going to get chilly. I was not expecting to hear from people in this way but since I’ve been vocal, I can be the voice for those who are not yet ready to speak out. 4/
Where do all the restaurant, event, concert and production workers go to find work to pay their bills? Where do friends who are homeless go if they contract COVID? Friends are moving closer to family in their car planning to quarantine for two weeks without leaving the vehicle 5/
It’s beyond time for a plan to be put in place for this because one $1200 check did not cut it. Without some financial assistance, affordable housing & public health plans, I’m going to see friends die. It’s a sobering reality. 6/
I can hear it in their voices and read it in their texts. People are scared. I’m moving into a new place this week but can’t take anyone in with an immunocompromised child. It’s risky enough with my jobs plus it’s not my role. 7/
It’s time to proactively help everyone because if it’s reactionary, COVID won’t be the only public health crisis we face on a national level. 8/8
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