I see a lot of people shipping #ZeyBar. I am not against it. I just don't see it happening as an amorous relationship. I see it developing as a beautiful friendship. #DoğduğunEvKaderindir
One of the things I have seen from ZeyBar shippers is that when they talk about ZeyBar scenes there focus is mostly on Barış and how he treats Zeynep. The key in these scenes is how Zeynep reacts to Barış, but that is often ignored. #DoğduğunEvKaderindir
#DoğduğunEvKaderindir is full of scenes that at first glance would point to a potential ZeyBar relationship but actually say something different.
For example the scene where Zeynep walks in Barış getting dressed comes to mind. #DoğduğunEvKaderindir
In romantic comedies and dramas the female character walks in and upon seeing the male character shirtless is immediately embarrassed and walks of apologeticly but takes a second look before she leaves and daydreams about it later. Zeynep did not do that. #DoğduğunEvKaderindir
In romantic comedies and dramas the female protagonist does these things because she is attracted to the male protagonist. Since Zeynep did not do these things, the logical conclusion is that Zeynep is not attracted to Barış. #DoğduğunEvKaderindir
Also another scene where Zeynep's disinterest is made clear in this scene. #DoğduğunEvKaderindir
Zeynep's response to this conversation is very telling. She is uncomfortable about the conversation and makes her thoughts about Barış very clear. #DoğduğunEvKaderindir
So in the the scenes that are used as tropes to show interest in romantic comedies and dramas Eylem took those tropes and turned them on their heads. She took those specific tropes and used them to show a lack of interest. #DoğduğunEvKaderindir
The idea that class and social standing doesn't define who you are is a recurring theme in #DoğduğunEvKaderindir. In romantic comedies and dramas the main protogranist usually work together and then fall in love. This diálogue clearly explains the trope.
Also this is what society expects of people so Eylem cleverly turns this trope on its head in the same scene. Seyhan's coworker sums up the point that Eylem is trying to make. Social class doesn't define a person or if two people should love each other. #DoğduğunEvKaderindir
In another scene that is used to show how similar Barış and Zeynep are similar Zeynep doesn't pay much attention to Barış. #DoğduğunEvKaderindir
Zeynep looks out the window and thinks about Mehdi in the flashback Mehdi and Zeynep can't agree on a song but are laughing and smiling. #DoğduğunEvKaderindir
In the corresponding scene that caused the flashback Barış puts on some music whereas in the flashback Zeynep was the one who turned on the radio. Zeynep liked the music Barış put on the radio.
Next Barış is seen tapping a long to the beat while Zeynep is thinking about Mehdi and not paying attention to Barış at all. The difference in Zeynep's body language in the two scenes is very telling. #DoğduğunEvKaderindir
The scene seems to be trying to illustrate the point that just because two have people have similar tastes and backgrounds doesn't mean that they will fall in love with each other. #DoğduğunEvKaderindir
There is no point of two people who are similar being in a relationship if they are not in love with. In fact this scene Eylem reminding us once again that having similar tastes and social standing does not define or determine who you will love #DoğduğunEvKaderindir
Barış for his part seems to be a good man and does offer Zeynep good advice at times. Zeynep trusts him because he has helped her out on several occasions but she has only known him for two weeks. #DoğduğunEvKaderindir
Zeynep has basically used him as a therapist and mentor more than anything else such as in this scene where he gives her excellent advice #DoğduğunEvKaderindir
The problem for this though is that Zeynep has only known him for two weeks so it is odd that she would see him that way, but it does show that Zeynep is looking for someone to talk to about her problems. Zeynep would benefit more from professional help. #DoğduğunEvKaderindir
If Barış and Zeynep did end up dating, Zeynep, because of the nature of their relationship and how Barış is being used as a stand in for an actual therapist in the show, would in effect end up dating her therapist. #DoğduğunEvKaderindir
Alao another problem is that Barış is also her boss. Eylem has turned traditional tropes on their head to drive home the point that social standing is no your destiny. #DoğduğunEvKaderindir
In keeping with this idea Eylem has chosen Barış to play more of a mentor role and defy the common trope in romantic comedies and dramas where one of the characters is the boss and the other the employee and they fall in love #DoğduğunEvKaderindir
Eylem seems to be deliberately trying to defy that trope because in reality if Zeynep and Barış started dating any promotion or work opportunity would be in question. #DoğduğunEvKaderindir
Zeynep would be known as the person who only got ahead by dating her boss. Zeynep would never allow for this to happen. She'd second guess everything. Zeynep as a character deserves better than that. #DoğduğunEvKaderindir
In keeping with the established themes of the show it is important for Zeynep to be seen as someone who has achieved everything by her own merit instead of her having to question whether she got the job because she was talented or Barış is in love with her. #DoğduğunEvKaderindir
Zeynep deserves better than that. #DoğduğunEvKaderindir
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