A few years ago, I was on a small commuter jet. It was the style with one seat (A), an aisle and then two seats (B & C) together. As luck would have it, seat 1A and 2A were occupied by large men. The pilot needed one to move to another area of the plane for takeoff. 1/4
The pilot explained the hot weather made takeoff challenging and the weight distribution of the plane needed to be adjusted so we wouldn't crash as the plane turned in its initial climb. Neither would budge. Both claimed it was their right to stay in their assigned seats. 2/4
We sat at the gate for 20 minutes waiting for one to graciously do the right thing. It was just for takeoff. They could return to their assigned seat once we reached cruising altitude. Other passengers were pleading with them to comply. It was in all of our best interests. 3/4
One finally gave in out of concern he might miss his next flight if we didn't takeoff soon. He grumbled as he shuffled down the aisle to the back of the plane. The pilot thanked him for his gesture that allowed us a safe takeoff. The 'no mask' crowd reminds me of these two. 4/4
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