Where does Jason Kenney acquire his misinformation? The Supreme Court writes “Health is subject to OVERLAPPING federal and provincial jurisdiction.”

He can’t just rule over the Supreme Court like the Ayatollah of Alberta. https://twitter.com/davidjboles/status/1328069153815597057
There’s just no legal controversy. During a pandemic, Ottawa is constitutionally supreme if it chooses to be. Trudeau can force Kenney to clean the COVID bedpans, metaphorically speaking. Thread here. https://twitter.com/profamirattaran/status/1327272161363468290
Of course, Trudeau has been such a limp noodle on COVID, as by having no national testing or vaccination strategy, that you can see how Kenney might come to think health is purely provincial. Both men need to meet reality, because their errors are co-dependent, and damaging.
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