Guys, take the politics out of it.

If we just keep going business-as-usual, we'll never control this virus.

I'm as sick and tired as anyone with restrictions, and I'm recognizing my selfish desires need to go on hold. 1/
I hate to see my wife, having to shut down their gym due to this. They're trying to survive during a freaking pandemic, it sucks, but they get it.

If you are someone who won't be able to work, I FEEL FOR YOU. Our government owes it to you especially, to be taken care of. 2/
Personally I think this is a chance to help one another, try to realize the bigger picture, if everyone actually shut it down for 3 weeks, we might actually get ahead of it.

Sadly, I know many people don't fear it, I don't, but we will never get back to normal w/o action 3/
Know and trust that this isn't forever.

You've all been asked to do something you didn't want to do before, and you probably made it work.

Try to have a good mindset with a CRAP situation, and we can get thru it.

You can follow @JRoseWXYZ.
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