With cases spiking across the U.S. and national leadership nowhere to be found, states are taking the lead

Watching @GovWhitmer announcement. Feels like kind of science-based, nuanced policy intervention we need right now

What is Michigan doing?

A good amount

Thread https://twitter.com/Megan_WNDU/status/1328112834887229440
Michigan is doing a 3-week pause on:

indoor dining

bowling alleys and other indoor recreation

high schools

group fitness

And limiting informal indoor gatherings substantially

What are they NOT pausing?
Michigan is NOT pausing:

outdoor gatherings

essential work places

And most critically:

They are not pausing K-8 in-person schools

And they've ramped up testing to one of the higher levels in the country
Michigan a model for what states should be doing:

Limit indoor gatherings

Keep outdoor stuff open

Keep K-8 schools in person if possible

Push testing

Will this be enough? Don't know

But these are important steps

And right now, we need to be more aggressive, not less

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