I am watching y'all's little West Wing program.
I am 10 minutes into this show and it sounds like every gathering of three or more white men I have been at in the last 5 years. @____@
Oh, that's why y'all be using POTUS.
Oh. This is why y'all be caring about these random white actors. They were on this here show.
Baseball, politics, and vague historical references tossed into a blender and pulsed into an argot is the exact idiom of men aged 28 to 37, and I am ALARMED.
You know. I am starting to think that the personalities a lot of y'all pretended to have were not actual personalities or the result of actual reading so much as a gloss y'all wiped off of this show and put on your face like secondhand body glitter in a sweaty club bathroom.
I do love a speech.
Whiffenpoofs! I know that is. I watched Gilmore Girls. [adjusts caucasian media spectacles]
There is no way this doctor man is going to make it back from this mission. It don't feel right.
How did anyone ever watch this show and still want to date men.
"I argue for a living" is literally the biggest of red flags.
Welp, he died.
That's that lady from watchamacallit.
Twitter for the last 2 weeks:
Not them wringing their hands over whether or not to hire a black boy for this job. I--
Whew chillay. The nationalism. 😬
The rhythmic dialogue tho.
Charlie is our king.
That’s that screaming lady from Grey’s Anatomy.
I do like Lyman dangling this Democrat over a gorge and demanding he fall in line or find himself unseated in 2 years
I do love the cynicism. Put the Democrats into the sea.
Ooo. You tell them off, nameless black man.
That's that one guy from that show with them people!!!
Oh that's that lady from them movies.
i am big scream
I don't know how to express it, but every time they call hiM Charlie, it feels very racial.
Maybe I'll go to grad school.
I'm going to look up grad schools.
Because twice was not enough, lmfao
Not Bartlet antagonizing his vice president.
I was wondering why Rob Lowe's face was on the Netflix card for this show so I did some Wikipedia snooping and turns out, lol, it's because Sam Seaborn was supposed to be the main character but that is definitely not the vibe you get three episodes in.
Okay. So like. I am on episode 9 and I just realized I don't know what these people's jobs are. I thought they were just like, writing memos and writing speeches and sometimes talking to the press. But they over here telling the President what to do.
I also cannot keep their names straight nor can I really suss out the organizational chart of this office.
The way these people can’t mind their own business
This work environment is toxic.
He really liked the sound of his own typewriter.
I do like all the paper in this show. So many ASMR-y sounds. I am into the materiality of it. Heavy phones. Heavy keyboards. Plonk, plonk. Shoes on floors.
Lisa Edelstein is a real one.
How did people date men after this show. I do not understand.
Here is the thing I can't understand. In the previous episode, Sam Seaborn and the whole merry office punted a potential Supreme Court Justice because he didn't believe in the right to privacy. And now they are trying to pump a sex worker for her clientele to win a political game
Like, it does not occur to Lyman a single time that it is inappropriate dehumanizing to ask Laurie to reveal whether or not she slept with the Republican guy. So that they can use the fact that he paid her for sex against him? Like...WHAT?
Setting aside the hypocrisy on the privacy issue, the level of...dehumanization is stunning! Even tho he gets slapped verbally by Laurie, it's still...not...like, it's not actually acknowledged the levels of fucked upness of the request itself.
And that, friends, is just bad writing.
I think characters should behave poorly and do things that seem to contradict their stated values, but the story must be willing to hold them to account if it is to function as a truly moral system! Otherwise, it's just meat sacks flapping against each other.
There is no meaning without morality! It is a system of values! It is the very texture and density of a narrative! If the story is unaware of its moral texture, then it is a bad story! I am sorry! Those are the rules! Take it up with DH Lawrence!
The number of times I have heard this exact line, I--
There is absolutely no way Bartlet couldn't remember that passage from Revelations. Even I know that verse from Revelations.
It's like, a top ten famous line from the Bible.
It's like not knowing John 3:16. Or Job 3:26. Or Genesis 1:3. Or Philippians 4:13. Or John 14:16. Or Romans 6:23. Or Ecclesiastes 3. It just don't make sense.
Even Catholics know that one. And Catholics don't be messing with Revelations like that.
I'm sorry to keep harping on this, but it's like. You mean to tell me this man does not have that whole verse committed to memory? It's one of the most memorable things in the whole dang book. It just don't make sense!
TV shows used to have so many episodes per season.
There is so much hostility in this White House.
That's that lady from Gilmore Girls.
That's the guy who tried to one up Axe and got punked on the Cross-Co squeeze and then got left in Canada on Billions.
Lyman got a little body, don’t he. 👀👀
That’s a man under all that...stuff happening on his head. 👀👀👀
This episode is so...playwright-y.
I like how on episode 15 they decided to replay all of the character introductions.
Not an episode of backstory! !!!! GET A BUDGET!
You can tell they were running out of money here.
WAIT. Josh Lyman is that guy from that one movie with the people and the black guy and the wearing black people's skin?!
And that one episode of Law and Order where he played that creepy therapist!
I just thought he was some dude! I bet y'all were very excited when you saw that episode.
Oh. Josh is deputy chief of staff. I just thought he was a media dude. That's why he's so bossy.
I looked up an organizational chart.
That's that lady from CSI.
Twitter would eat this President alive. 🥴
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