/2 "Pass a national $15/hour minimum wage bill. To lure Republicans into backing it, offer opt-outs that would let Republicans realize one of their most fantastic dreams, elimination of the minimum wage in their states."
/3 "Reform Medicare by allowing Americans of any age to buy into the system on an income-adjusted premium, averaging around $400/month for a family earning $80,000 a year, down to $50 for those under $30,000."

Let Republican states opt out of the tax AND of Medicare entirely.
/4 "Most importantly, Republican elected officials would finally face the consequences of their politics. What would happen to Republican politicians in Ohio when voters next door in Pennsylvania suddenly had access to cheap universal health care? "
/5 "Pass a sweeping COVID-19 response including a mask mandate, a temporary targeted lockdown, higher unemployment subsidies, contact tracing and job supports. Let red states opt out. Watch what happens when Mississippi voters don’t get their check."
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