A new study of half of the nation's claims data found that among children 0-18 with NO comorbid conditions there were ZERO Covid deaths in the U.S.: https://www.fairhealth.org/article/fair-health-releases-second-study-on-covid-19 All 165 kids who died from Covid to date likely had a pre-existing condition @WestHealth @HopkinsKids
We have to balance the Covid risk to kids & staff with the harm from kids being deprived of school communities, school learning, school nutrition, school mental health counseling/help from child abuse, suicide, and substance abuse. @AmerAcadPeds made good points in their guidance
Every school is different, each with its own background rate of infection and each with different alternatives to school, i.e. poverty & risks of child abuse, substance abuse. Santa Barbara county is NOT inner-city Baltimore. We should consider all data points as Europe has done
Kids have been dead last in the re-opening lineup and often first to closure. Reason=> Kids don't vote. They need a voice. Adults get their restaurants & gyms while kids suffer despite the evidence that classrooms are not a source of superspreading--Ironically it's often the home
There is no single universal answer to the school issue, every locale needs to consider the feasibility of de-densifying the classroom, poding, getting good HEPA ventilation, protecting at-risk kids, bus drivers & school staff & how much infection is in the community.
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