Worth pointing out that CR made their name in part through attacks on Black women academics, and I was one of them
People wonder why I have home security ... and Campus Reform is one of the main reasons. CR has been a feeder site for Faux and Bitbart. Years ago we tried to get higher ed press to cover them and @chronicle did what was basically a soft PR buzz piece on them. 💩🙃
When Campus Reform came after me for calling Thomas Jefferson a rapist, I was the 3rd Black woman academic they’d attacked in just as many months. I ended up on The Daily Stormer website in an anti-Black, antisemitic post. There was no movement to deplatform them back then.
I got thru it bc I come from an organizing family and have comrades. We had a plan to set in motion when the article came out. We got details on CR posted online, explaining where their $ came from. A professional community letter of support org’d by @niais immediately went live.
High ranked Black faculty at MIT spoke up internally for me and my postdoc advisors weathered the storm.

Today, the security measures we have to take literally come with a monthly bill that amounts in the hundreds. Per month.
Importantly, the tweets were old. The timing? I had just been prominently featured in a Huffington Post interview that had over one hundred thousand hits. They literally were like “oh it’s a prominent Black progressive woman, let’s see if we can bury her.”
Anyway, 5 years ago my supporters and I said it was Koch money and literally The Chronicle gave them cover with a softball piece of shit article and people in academia shrugged and said maybe we should be less strident and people lost their jobs for telling them truth.
Annnnd I fully expect to go through another round when my book comes out in a few months. Because these assholes don’t believe in freedom of speech. Not even a little.

Campus Reform believes in suppression of speech that critiques white supremacy and heterocispatriarchy.
Also remember when calling Thomas Jefferson a rapist was controversial? Good job critical race theorists on social media on shifting the conversation. I would say in some existential sense that we won that round.
And no, I did not get a six figure advance that will be covering my costs, in case you're thinking, "Oh yes but she's getting paid lots and lots to cover the social costs associated with publishing her book." https://twitter.com/IBJIYONGI/status/1328159460326567940?s=20
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