I and #Masks4Canada are joining with many across the country in advocating for #CovidZero, the elimination of Covid-19 from our communities. I once thought this idea impossible, but watching Melbourne, Halifax and the rest of the Atlantic do it has been inspiring. Thread ->
This is likely the only way we’ll be able to save many lives, businesses and to return to some semblance of a normal life before vaccines are rolled out. Watching the US and Europe go through wrenching spikes and lockdowns is instructive. We can avoid their fate.
First, we need to aim for zero. Lockdowns are coming in parts of the country, which are futile until leaks in our system are plugged. Including:
- Locking down the US border (for real this time)
- Setting regional bubbles
- Bring in the Australian mandatory quarantine system
In provinces where things are not terrible yet (Ontario, Quebec), instead of a prolonged lockdown we can follow Slovakia and do rapid tests on the entire population, find and isolate asymptomatic cases. https://www.ft.com/content/6d20007c-25ad-4d1a-b678-591acaa57df9
The federal government and provinces need to closely collaborate, possibly form a national cabinet like they did in Australia. Likely only Alberta’s populist government would oppose this, but we can involve the mayors of Calgary and Edmonton instead.
Secondly, we need to reinforce our test-trace-isolation systems, bring in pooled, saliva and rapid testing to find and quickly contain outbreaks. We need to ensure that a lockdown will never again be needed. The delay in the roll-out of rapid testing needs to be fixed STAT
Third, we need to strongly support those affected, including rent-relief for businesses, and extended EI to workers in affected industries, no hassle access to sick-leave benefits, access to quarantine hotels. All of this has so far been mired in intergov't red tape.
@ASPphysician goes over this in more detail in his email newsletter, here: https://twitter.com/ASPphysician/status/1325079125166616576?s=20
All of this is possible, but will require a wartime level of cooperation and mobilization. We've seen our Atlantic Canadian brethren do it, and we can join them in living relatively safer lives until vaccines are ready.

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