When it comes to justice and equality, the modern day class system in Urban India is talked about far less than the traditional caste system.

This is despite the former having many of the same dehumanising features like exploitation, discrimination and social immobility which
the mainstream press and academia like to pin on the caste system.

The Indian class system sees an elite of 'brown sahibs' completely dominate the aspirational middle class, the working class and the underclass

The ruling class often reserves entry to comfortable high paying
positions to those from the same background as them.

The ruling class prices out the aspirational middle class from the few pockets of reasonably liveable areas of our big cities.

The ruling class treats the working class as sub-humans solely created for the purpose of
serving them.

The ruling class treats the underclass as invisibles, as pariahs needing to be civilised by the raw might of the State.

And despite a rapid rise in the concentration of wealth among the ruling class in recent years, the State seems to be unable, or unwilling, to
do much about it. TV Talking heads, politicians, professors, etc would all rather talk about the 'caste problem' than talk about the class problem. Why is this so?

The answer is simple. The caste oppression narrative helps to deflect attention from the rapaciousness of the
ruling class. Savarna Hindus are used as a bogeyman to absorb the frustration & anger of the lower classes, while keeping the ruling elites out of the limelight. So a poor dalit earning 10K a month is told his real enemy is a lower middle class Brahmin earning 20K a month, & not
the post-caste plutocrat who influences the government's regulatory framework to destroy the small business which employs the poor Dalit.
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